Manor Oak Homes are working with a team of consultants to submit an outline planning application for a housing led scheme "The Beeches", accessed from Mill Lane, Sawston to the north of the site; for the provision of up to 48 new homes and associated infrastructure including landscaping, public open space, highways and drainage. The site is shown on the below plan and is the land edged in red.
Sawston is identified as a Rural Centre in the Council LDF. It is one of the larger more sustainable villages in the District and is therefore a suitable location for development. The site is an undeveloped parcel of land that is immediately adjacent to the existing boundary of the Development Framework for Sawston. It is accessible to the services and facilities provided within the village by walking and public transport.
The vehicular access will be provided from Mill Lane to the proposed site, passing between existing residential properties. Mill Lane provides good connectivity to the A1301 to the west and the High Street to the east.

Site indicated by red line

Existing views.
This consultation exercise enables members of the public to have sight of the proposals and speak with members of the project team to understand the scheme design.