Public Open Space
The extension and or addition of additional land to public open space along the Grand Union Canal and River Soar will improve the visual amenity, increase biodiversity, prevent development in flood zones, provide better connectivity for cyclists and pedestrians and safeguard land for wildlife.
Vision for Blaby's green space strategy: "To provide green spaces that make a positive contribution to the quality and diversity of the local environment and to the health and well-being of our residents. Our green spaces can be used, valued and enjoyed by everyone.

Proposed Green Wedge.
The Green Wedge strategy is part of an ongoing liaison with Leicester County Council and in particular the Green Infrastructure Division (Stepping Stones). Defined by a soft landscape strategy allowing for more interesting setting. Specific treatments may include mown footpaths, open greens with groups/clusters of tree planting. Pedestrian movement is fluid providing for informal recreation and potential for picnics and family usage. Play spaces include natural and varied pieces of equipment provide a diverse experience for children. The green is intentionally located to ensure adequate levels of passive surveillance from adjacent dwellings.

Local landscape.

Illustrative Masterplan