Manor Oak Homes are working with a team of consultants to submit a detailed planning application for up to 73 new homes on land to the south of Stallpits Road and to the east of the A420 at Shrivenham with access in the south east corner of the site via Colton Road and secondary access off Stallpits Road.
Shrivenham is one of the named ‘Larger Villages’ in Vale of White Horse District and along with Kennington and Wootton scores highest in the village hierarchy, reflecting the wide range of services and facilities available. The site itself is located on the north-western edge of the village and is well contained by permanent features including the A420, Stallpits Road and existing residential areas off Farleigh Road, Forest Close, Colton Road and Friars Close to the east and south. The village centre and other village facilities are all within easy walking and cycling distance from the site.