Planning Documents

  click document title to download


- Planning Statement
- 57987 101 Site Layout REV-E
- 57987 Design and Access Statement
- 57987 Drawing Issue Register
- 57987 Illustrative Views
- 57987 102 Materials Plan
- 57987 103 Surface Plan
- 57987 104 Colour Site Layout Plan

Technical Reports

- Stone Bishopstone Road : Geophysical Report 14-210
- HIA-Stone 19-12-14
- Interim Report
- Site Waste Management Plan
- Incoming Services Appraisal
- Archaeological Interim Report
- Flood Risk Assessment
- Topographical Survey


- Ecology Assessment


- Transport Statement

Landscaping and Habitat

- Landscape Masterplan
- Tree Protection Plan
- Arboricultural Method Statement

House Types

- All House Types - compressed folder
- 57987_106 STREETSCENES A-B
- 57987-120 A REV-A
- 57987-121 A REV-A
- 57987-122 A1 REV-A
- 57987-123 A1 REV-A
- 57987-124 A REV-A
- 57987-125 A REV-A
- 57987-126 A1 REV-A
- 57987-127 A1 REV-A
- 57987-128 A1 REV-A
- 57987-129 A1 REV-A
- 57987-130 B REV-A
- 57987-131 A1
- 57987-132 A1
- 57987-151 DOUBLE GARAGE
- 57987-152 ROG
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Last Update: 14th January 2015

This website, drawings and reports are the copyright of Manor Oak Homes and their Consultants and shall not be reproduced without their permission. Ordnance Survey map information reproduced with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved. Manor Oak Homes will take reasonable measures/actions to ensure the website is updated regularly, but will not accept any liability. Viewers of the website should also check with the planning department of the Council.